Scenario videos

What are they and what can they do for you?

A scenario video?

“A Scenario video?!” I hear you cry (obviously). Well, a scenario video is our name for a video that sets the scene, one that paints a glorious picture for your learner to engage with the course content and gets their game face on.

So, what does that mean exactly? 

Imagine you’re creating an online course on government crises communications, and you’ve cleverly used backwards design to craft your assessments and set out your learning content. Before your learner jumps into an assessment, you want to position them in a real-life crisis scenario frame of mind, so they’re able to answer the questions for that particular situation. Cue our scenario video!

Sounds impressive, but would this work for less exciting topics?

Absolutely! Scenario videos work for a wide range of content topics and subjects, varying from contractual law and ethics courses, to farming antimicrobial best practices, financial forecasting, and more. 

I’m intrigued, what are the pros and cons?

Good question. A few things to weigh up when choosing these types of videos:

Pros: There are no filming expenses, and therefore minimal pre-production costs and no hassle scheduling faculty members to be on set. We create these entirely in-house and they’re a relatively cost-effective way of adding high-production value media to your course.

Cons: If you have very specific content in mind, this type of video might not be for you as we use largely stock footage. So, if you need that yellow butterfly landing on the moon, check out our motion graphic videos instead! Scenario videos also have a slightly longer post-production time so if it’s bulk media you’re after, we’d recommend more talking head videos, but more on those another time!

I’m not creating a course, do you create these as one-off videos?

Yes! One of our core offerings is explainer content videos where we create videos similar to scenario videos to fit our client’s brief, using a mixture of custom motion graphics, stock footage, and sound design.

Got any examples?

Sharing our client work is restricted, but do check out our January 2023 team challenge which involved creating a scenario video using the same voice over script. We gave our editors no other direction except a voice over on plastic pollution. Check it out here:

Ready to level-up your course content? We would love to create some of these immersive learning experiences with you. Our team creates high-quality, cost-effective scenario videos that engage learners and leave a lasting impact. Get in touch today and we’ll help you figure it all out!

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